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时间:2024/02/14 12:18:05 来源:仪器仪表

psychology before being allowed to practice?

Why are girls so chronically misdiagnosed when it comes to autism?

Did the ancient Egyptians he a comprehensive understanding of mental health and illness?

Could electroshock therapy be the most effective method of treating depression?

Should we prioritise ICU places to people with children and dependents?

What are the similarities between Reactive Attachment Disorder and Autism?

A study of medical practices in North Korea

A comparison of different cancer treatments: surgical removals and chemotherapy to immunotherapies.

Is hypnotherapy ever a viable anaesthetic for surgery?



Is the media making suicide aspirational for young people?

To what extent does hing social workers intervene in a family affect a child’s life outcomes?

Is talking therapy nearly ineffective for treating panic disorder?

Should children be allowed to decide if they can be taken into care?

Are the children of alcoholics more likely to become hoarders?

Is there a link between undiagnosed Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and alcoholism?

Can non-violent psychopaths he successful relationships?

Given how they change behiour, should advertising and marketing be made illegal?

How has social media altered our brains since its inception?

Does the Stanford Prison Experiment prove that we should promote rehabilitation over punitive incarceration?

Are attachment issues in neglected children irreversible?

Can unschooling be classed as child neglect?

Can authoritarian parenting styles lead to overeating in hood?

Is technology making us more depressed?

Do gender-neutral toys lead to children with less stereotypical views of gender roles?

Can music help ease the effects of Dementia?

What are the long term effects of bullying?

Can studying people’s behiours pre-suicide help prevent suicide?

Should crime-predicting algorithms be banned for their bias?

A study of the effects of living in an overcrowded household during Covid-19 lockdown.

Do memories alter when we recall them?

How does intergenerational trauma effect cortisol levels?

Do the negative affects of racism begin in the womb?

What can Sant Syndrome tell us about the multi-faceted nature of intelligence?

Do all humans he some level of body dysmorphia?



Should defendants be allowed to represent themselves?

Is the internet an ungovernable wilderness when it comes to Law?

Why secret trials are a form of abuse

Should CCTV be made illegal?

Is the use of juries inevitably flawed when it comes to reaching a just verdict?

Should mass media be banned from high profile investigations?

Should we replace juries with AI-powered robots?

Should Donald Trump go to prison?

Could the police be classed as a gang in America?

How we can stop criminalising victims of sex trafficking.

Should we bring back the death penalty?

How much should a child’s desire to live with one parent or another affect the court’s decision?

Should people who see child abuse but don’t report it be subject to the law?

Should male partners sue their female partners for abortion?

Should organ donation be mandatory for everyone?

When should one country legally intervene in another, when it comes to human rights abuses?

Should marriage be banned until the age of 21?

Should lie detector results be legalised in UK courts?

Could the government be legally obliged to pay women for their unpaid labour that contributes to the economy?

If embryos are capable of feelings and sensations, should abortion be forbidden at any stage?

Should minors trafficked to the UK from a dangerous country or situation be given immediate residency?

Could euthanasia be legalised, whether or not someone is critically ill and close to death?

Should parents be legally obliged to lee money to their children?

Should the inheritance tax be abolished?

Should people with dual citizenship automatically receive diplomatic protection from both countries?



Why we don’t he enough evidence for evolution.

Is Covid-19 more deadly than Ebola?

Are animals as intelligent as humans?

Is abortion murder?

Is homosexuality genetic or social?

What can the oldest living creature on earth teach us about biological immortality?

Does always create biological issues?

The use of parasites in weight loss attempts

How long would it take you to die if you ate the same thing and nothing else for years?

What causes diseases in trees?

Could we ever grow food on walls?

If your spouse died, what would the ethical implications be of cloning them?

A study on identity crises in identical twins.

Is obesity a genetic issue?

How does sepsis attack the body?

Will artificial hearts ever be a viable solution to chronic heart problems?

Could brain transplants ever be a viable option?

How do certain drugs affect cellular interactions?

A study of courting behiours in different species.

How did different cellular mechanisms regulate different physiological processes?

Is obesity a modern phenomenon?

Can gene therapy cure Cystic Fibrosis?

Can gut microbiota influence host appetite?

What is the impact of invasive species on ecosystems?

What is the biology of laughter?



Why poor dental hygiene in the middle ages was a myth.

Was the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Justified?

Is it right to topple the statues of sle owners, in order to erase history?

Who does history belong to?

Why did the USA join World War Two so late?

How he male and female romantic relationships changed over time?

How has the role of marriage changed over time?

Should a country be allowed to teach its own history?

How did the British Empire expand so much?

Should museums return all their historical artefacts to their country of origin?

Were the Suffragettes the biggest force in women getting the vote?

Is religious warfare ever Justified?

How medieval fashion influences our outfits today

Was Anne Boleyn the main reason that Henry VII left the Catholic church?

Did Henry VII suffer from a genetic disease that prevented him from conceiving healthy children?

Why do we hold on to so many myths in History?

A study of propaganda in History textbooks in UK history.

Why is History important to the future?

To what extent did the purchase of commissions affect the fighting power of the British army between 1760-1860?

What is the validity of historical fiction and romance?

How did secret churches operate in Mao’s China?

How did 19th Century attitudes towards madness affect society’s treatment of ‘hysterical’ women?

What is the holocaust’s relationship with literature?

Were the liquidators who helped clean up the Chernobyl explosion used as human collateral?

How did the pill help women’s liberation?



From an economic perspective, should we legalise human organ trade?

Can an increase of wealth directly influence happiness levels?

Could stock ysts be replaced by artificial intelligence?

How do socio-economic factors determine someone’s health in hood?

Who is to blame for the 2008 financial crisis?

Is illicit trade with China the only factor preventing the North Korean economy from total collapse?

How would we recover economically if the internet ceased to exist?

How did the 2008 financial crisis make house buying impossible for the majority of millennials?

Is the poverty trap impossible to get out of?

Can we compare the trickle-down economy to a pyramid scheme?

Does a lack of wealth in childhood really hold you back in life?

Is the gig economy leading to job insecurity a myth?

To what extent does women’s unpaid labour prop up the UK economy?

How has Brexit affected the UK economy?

Should we legalise a Universal Basic Income?

How quickly did the UK economy recover from the effects of World War Two?

Are all socialist economies doomed to fail?

How would the legalisation of Marijuana affect the world economy?

How does a lack of free speech negatively affect China’s economy?

Should there be a minimum wage?

Should there be a maximum wage?

Should billionaires be allowed to exist?

How has the global demand for oil changed over time?

What effect does illegal immigration he on the UK economy?

Why a lack of childcare support for women hurts the economy.










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